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Projects & Programs


Oakleigh Rotary Sunday Market

The Oakleigh Rotary Sunday Market at the cnr Hanover Street & Atherton Road, Oakleigh - Melway 69 G8 - has been in operation for over 30 years. Starting with 20 spaces in 1986 it has expanded to provide 170 spaces, both permanent and casual. It is a Trash and Treasure Market offering a variety of wares from fresh fruit and vegetables, food, plants and flowers and hardware, clothing both new and secondhand, to preloved books and bric a brac. The Market operates every Sunday from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm and new stallholders are always welcome.


Timor-Leste Floods Emergency

The Rotary Club of OCH will support the Timor-Leste Floods Emergency by donating $3.000 US to help with the purchase of the following items:

  1. food - rice and pasta in bulk (they then break into smaller bags for communities)
  2. toilets Bags for families
  3. sleeping mats
  4. cooking oil
  5. Blankets and sheets
  6. hot plates and gas bottles for cooking.
  7. Powdered milk for elderly and infants
  8. Clothing and footwear
  9. First aid kits etc

Here is a link showing a video of the current flood situation in Timor Leste

Attached are photos and a link showing the relief being provided by RC Kupang in West Timor following the floods. Video Link


Follow this link to watch the video

The next two photos are showing how some of our money that the club donated is being used. Credit to Peter Holdenson and Martha Bodon for this effort.


2019-20 Bushfires Appeal

We have all seen the disastrous fires that have erupted, taking lives as well as destroying hundreds of homes and properties across Australia.

Rotary is once again taking the lead and looking to provide support for families in need. To this end several Rotary Districts and Clubs have established projects which are ready and able to accept donations from you. All of those projects can apply for funds from this appeal.

In 2020 the Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale has donated $5000 to the East Gippsland Bushfire Appeal


The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Appeal

In 2020 the Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale has donated $4000 for drought relief in Mildura


Charity Garden Auction

The last Charity Garden Auction was held at the Village Green Hotel on 12th September 2019 and was a great success. The ninety nine participants who registered for the night competed vigorously for the extensive list of auction items and joined into the spirit of the additional silent auction and raffle. All had a good time.


Look out for the date of our 2021 Event.


AUGUST - 2019 Charity Golf Day

A full field enjoyed playing at Huntingdale